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  • Keep the area CLEAN to avoid infections until the scabs have formed and exfoliate on their own. Follow the aftercare instructions exactly to ensure the best results.
  • You may resume activities immediately after any treatment but you may not look your complete best during the healing process (usually 3 to 7 days).
  • The formation of brown/black/carbon crusts on the skin surface will occur. Do not pick them – these crusts will fall off in a few days
  • For the first night or two, if you've had a facial treatment, you may want to sleep on your back to avoid brushing your face on your pillow.
  • Keep your scabs/crusts moist by applying aloe vera up to three times per day. This will provide relief from any tendency to itch and expedite the healing process.
  • Keep the area clean using lukewarm boiled water and do not use any alcohol based cleansers.
  • There may be mild swelling – especially around the eyes and periorbital region. Swelling for 1 to 5 days post-treatment is normal but is usually of a very minor nature.
  • The treatment may be moderately uncomfortable and sensitive depending on where you are being treated – especially eyelid procedures where the skin is the thinnest. Our device and our super-fine probes allow technicians to work more quickly and efficiently which minimizes potential discomfort for you; this all depends on your own sensitivities and tolerances to start with.
  • Do NOT cover the treated area with any plasters, occlusive dressing, make-up*, mascara, creams or any other products until the area has fully healed (except specific products we recommend). Regarding make-up, do not apply any type (even mineral) for the first 4 days or until the scabbing or peeling is complete (about 7-10 days).
  • After any facial treatment, especially around the eyes, we recommend using an aloe vera mask to prevent inflammation by soothing and reducing swelling.
  • Taking Vitamin C supplements over the course of your healing process can give your immune system a big boost which will also help. Anti-inflammatory or an anti-histamine medicine can also help.
  • Consider the use of topical anti-oxidants to fight sun damage such as a Vitamin C serum. The use of these products will help prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Men should avoid shaving over any area that has been treated until the skin has fully healed.
  • Once healed, you must use an SPF50 sunscreen for at least 12 weeks. Avoid the use of tanning beds ad sunbathing as well.
  • We recommend not exercising right after a treatment because any heat, steam or sweat can add to the inflammation that’s already present. Also, do not use any pools, hot tubs or saunas until the treated area is fully healed.
  • IMPORTANT!!! Allow the scabs to come off on their own. Do NOT pick the scabs! This will ensure the best possible healed result and avoid scarring and infection.
  • Be patient with the process and allow yourself time to rest and heal.
  • Swelling is to be expected after this type of treatment. This is due to the fact that the area will be recovering from a deliberate controlled wound, therefore the natural side effect is swelling. There are steps you can take to minimize the swelling but it cannot be avoided. You can’t avoid or cure the swelling, it is a response to the trauma. The swelling will subside in a matter of days.


Day 1: Try to lay propped up with pillows. Do not lay completely horizontal. Seeping from the treated area is normal as well as some pain and discomfort. The swelling will likely be worse in the mornings and lessen towards the evening. You may find it difficult to open your eyes in the morning following the treatment, however it will subside throughout the day. It will feel like a bad sunburn.

Day 2: The swelling typically peaks by day 2. Do not be surprised if the swelling is worse on the 2nd day. Remember swelling is worse in the mornings and lessens throughout the day. Swelling can also spread to the under eye area, DON’T PANIC this is perfectly normal. The upper and lower eye are all connected, therefore the fluids from the upper eye will drain to the lower eye area. This too shall pass. Discomfort and pain may still present and to be expected on the second day.

Day 3: You will notice an improvement in the swelling and the “dots” will start to crust/scab over. The scabs must not be picked, allow them to fall off on their own. Your level of discomfort will have subsided dramatically. Minimal pain is expected. For those who experienced the under eye swelling, this will still be present.

Day 4: Some mild residual swelling may still be present on the upper eyelids. Pain or discomfort should have subsided.

Day 5: Swelling should be complete and scabs may still be present. The under eye swelling should be almost completely resolved by this point if not gone.

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